How Hand Sanitizer Protects You From Viruses

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 virus caused many disinfectant products to become a little more popular, including hand sanitizer. From the pandemic’s start, health agencies worldwide advised people to avoid touching their faces and clean their hands after touching public surfaces like shopping carts and door handles.

And while hand sanitizer has been around in our pocketbooks, cars, and diaper bags for years, its sales sky-rocketed since early 2020. In fact, market research firm Nielsen reported that hand sanitizer sales in the US grew 73% from Jan 22, 2020, to Feb 22, 2020. People were buying hand sanitizer in bulk, along with toilet paper and disinfectant spray. 

So how does hand sanitizer protect you from viruses, including Coronavirus? What are the best sanitizers to use? Do businesses need to invest in hand sanitizer stations? We put together this guide to answer these questions and more!

What is hand sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer comes in a liquid, gel, or foam and kills certain viruses/bacteria/microorganisms on the hands, preventing them from spreading. It doesn’t require water to use, just applying and rubbing into hands. 

However, because hand sanitizer doesn’t kill all germs, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using it when soap and water aren’t accessible. 

Does hand sanitizer kill germs? 

Yes, if it’s alcohol-based! Hand sanitizer that contains alcohol can inactivate a virus or bacteria on your hands. When using, you need to make sure you cover all surfaces of your hand and rub it in for about 20 seconds to give it time to take effect. 

Is hand sanitizer effective against COVID-19?

The CDC encourages washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as the best way to prevent the spread of infections and decrease. If soap and water are not available, the CDC recommends using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. It can quickly reduce the number of bacteria on the hands in some situations.  

Can I use non-alcohol-based instead of alcohol-based hand sanitizer to protect against viruses?

The FDA developed temporary policies during the pandemic that suggested using only alcohol-based (ethanol and isopropyl alcohol) hand sanitizer. This guideline does not recommend using hand sanitizers with other active or inactive ingredients not otherwise noted in the policy for use in hand sanitizer, including benzalkonium chloride.

Furthermore, the FDA also put together a do-not-use list of hand sanitizers for consumers and businesses alike to follow. 

Buying hand sanitizer in bulk for businesses

As businesses began to open back up, many owners put procedures into place to protect staff, customers, and clients. In addition to mask requirements and temperature scanners, most businesses have opted for hand sanitizer stations as a line of defense against viruses. 

From retail stores to restaurants, the CDC suggests that businesses of any size utilize hand sanitizer and hand sanitizer dispensers with at least 60% alcohol near frequently touched surfaces and in areas where soap and water are not easily available. These areas include:

  • near elevators
  • dressing rooms
  • shared equipment
  • building entrances and exits

When deciding how much and how many dispensers you need to set up in your business, it’s critical to think about a few things:

  • How much foot traffic does your business get? 
  • How large is your business? (space-wise)
  • How many areas allow employees and customers easy access to soap and water?

No matter the size, many businesses find that buying hand sanitizer in bulk is more cost-effective and cuts down on time spent ordering refills. 

Final thoughts

Hand sanitizer is an excellent option for both consumers and businesses everywhere regarding the defense against viruses, bacteria, and germs.  

Here at Skindfense, we understand the importance of providing high-quality yet affordable hand sanitizers, hand sanitizing dispensers, and temperature scanners that will help keep people as safe as possible. Reach out to us for more information on using our products as part of your business’ fight against COVID-19.